
Green pet, natural pet food

Animal vert, alimentation naturelle pour animaux

Pet owners are paying more attention to their companion's diet these days. Whether it is to remedy specific problems or to take a turn towards the natural, Animal Vert assists masters by offering a panoply of natural products for pets.

A student job that inspired a career

David Parenteau started working in a pet store when he was in high school. Over the years, he developed an interest in this field, and although he obtained his bachelor's degree in literature, his passion for the pet shop inspired him to create his own company in 2011: Animal Vert, the grocery store for animals. Indeed, he noticed a lack of natural products for animals on the market and decided to open his own shop to offer a healthy alternative to animal owners, especially dogs and cats.

David Parenteau, founder of Animal vert

Today, Animal Vert has three neighborhood boutiques located in the heart of Montreal. “We are super close to our customers,” says David. The products offered by the company are made in an eco-responsible and ethical manner. According to David, the employees are dedicated to providing personalized service to their customers. They discuss the animals at length with their owners, their habits as well as problems that could potentially be rectified with a change in diet. “I could talk for hours about food. » It is important for David to be transparent in the choice of his products and in his communications with his customers; he seeks to suggest natural products that will meet the needs of their little animals. The company also offers grooming services.

The black sheep of natural food

Starting the business was not easy for David. Although natural products are in fashion today, this has not always been the case and David was a real pioneer of natural pet food in Quebec. For example, the company was one of the first to offer raw food products in Montreal. Although he swam against the tide in his early days, David believes it was worth it. “I really believed in it,” he says, mentioning that he is convinced that these products are better for the health of animals. Recently, David took pleasure in finding funny products to offer to his customers, such as pizzas for dogs or beer for dogs.

Pupsicle, Green Animal

That said, once the store started gaining popularity, it skyrocketed. "I was lucky, when it rose, it really rose," says David. Over time, trends changed, and an increasing number of companies began to offer similar products. But it was three years ago that David was able to see the impact of Animal Vert in the community, when he opened his third store. “It was great fun. It was there that I saw that people knew about the company and expected it. »

An evolving role

For the past year, thanks to the success of the stores, David has been in his managerial role full-time, which means he spends less time on the floor and has less direct interaction with customers. This was a challenge, he who loves to discuss animal feed. “I realized that I am less a manager than an animal enthusiast. »

Although he still has a lot to learn in his new role, he can now advance various projects, such as the development of the company's online store. “We want to put our products online for all of Quebec. Indeed, Animal Vert products are currently only available in the company's stores, located in Montreal. David also plans to open a fourth store in the next year, as well as the development of the range of products manufactured by Animal Vert to add to the line of products offered by the company, such as shampoos, natural products and supplements.

A genuine company

If there was one thing to remember about Animal Vert, it would be its authenticity, according to David. “We are true, both in our advice and in our choices. The relationship with its customers occupies a special place in the company's values. David is keen to maintain transparency in his interactions, whether in terms of the sale of products and services, the choice of products or suppliers. Moreover, David is considering creating a blog in order to inform his customers more about what the company does, food and animal care. This would finally allow him to combine his passion for animals with his enthusiasm for literature, while remaining in contact with his clients.

For more information on the company, visit its member profile .

Ariane Blondin

Reviewed by Marie-Pascale

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