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Blooming belly & baby leaves

These companies that get involved in their community

Changing our habits to start consuming more responsibly while encouraging local businesses is already a very important awareness. Performing an additional meaningful gesture is even more rewarding....

Nettoyants pour la maison : pourquoi passer à des produits naturels

Household cleaners: why switch to natural products

Household products are widely associated with cleanliness, even purity. After all, it's done to clean up, to “take the nasty out,” right? This belief is in part the result of advertising and market...

La viande et les changements climatiques : pourquoi réduire sa consommation?

Meat and climate change: why reduce its consumption?

If the environment is important to you, you've probably already heard of the main causes of climate change: greenhouse gases, plastic in the oceans, deforestation, the accumulation of waste and so ...

Produits écolos et locaux pour les amateurs de plein air 

Eco-friendly and local products for outdoor enthusiasts

Summer has finally arrived. Do you want to take advantage of the déconfinement and the good weather to explore the Quebec territory? Are you planning to go camping, on a road trip or simply spend ...

Achat local : emblème de solidarité en temps de pandémie

Local purchase: emblem of solidarity in times of pandemic

Unless you have spent the past few weeks on a desert island (and if so, lucky you!), you know that we are living through an exceptional period in the history of humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic has ...



Whether it's for work or to get away from it all, just saying the word “travel” gives us shivers of excitement and we're probably not alone. Once the plane ticket has been purchased, the next step ...