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Roadtrip au Québec : laissez-vous porter par la brise des Îles-de-la-Madeleine 

Roadtrip in Quebec: let yourself be carried away by the breeze of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine

An isolated archipelago in the center of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and made up of a dozen islands, the Îles-de-la-Madeleine are a popular destination and, when you set foot there, you quickly unders...

Achat local: la vigilance est de mise

Local purchase: vigilance is required

Over the past year, calls from the government and Quebec businesses have had a positive impact on local purchasing. What a joy to see the rush for products made in Quebec! This trend has also been ...

Célébrer Noël autrement, en confinement

Celebrate Christmas differently, in confinement

With the pandemic on our doorstep, we must reinvent the magic of Christmas in order to continue to offer traditions and moments of happiness around us. Of course, with compliance with the health st...

Des accessoires québécois pour la course à pied

Quebec accessories for running

With the good weather coming soon and sports activities which are a little reduced due to the current crisis, more and more people are going outside and running. I am a very energetic person and...

Voyager responsablement, est-ce possible?

Traveling responsibly, is it possible?

I am a proud supporter of local manufacturing for ethical and above all environmental reasons. In my daily life, I try as best as I can to limit my consumption of single-use plastic and only buy t...

Mes premiers pas vers le zéro déchet

My first steps towards zero waste

The zero waste movement has been in the news a lot lately, and this way of life is reflected in the resolutions of many people. You have to be ready to make changes, minor and major, while taking i...