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Bela Peko

Bela Peko: the revolutionized dessert

From Esperanto pêché mignon, Bela Peko merges the idea of ​​the dessert based on mashed potatoes and the recipe in a pot, but above all combines gourmet pleasure with the benefits of healthy eating...

Recette Signé Local: Raviolis canard confit et champignons sauvages avec Gaspésie Sauvage

Recipe Signé Local: Duck confit and wild mushroom ravioli with Gaspésie Sauvage

What could be better than pairing the tender meat of duck confit with the foresty taste of wild mushrooms from the Gaspé blend by Gaspésie Sauvage ? Welcome fall as it should be! This recipe was c...

Recette Signé Local: Gravlax de saumon aux épices La Pincée

Recipe Signé Local: Salmon gravlax with La Pincée spices

If there's one food I love in this world, it's salmon! I honestly believe I could eat it every day of my life. Cooked on the grill, in the oven with a garnish of pesto, in Tartare, in mousse, smok...