au coeur de l'entreprise

Tungsten, Creative Lighting


When I was offered to write a post on Tungsten Creative Lightings , I couldn't help but think back to the acquisition of our latest home. During the visit of this one we had a big blow of heart. We loved everything…everything EXCEPT the lighting with its outdated fixtures which we quickly replaced. Only one question comes to my mind: why didn't Tungsten exist at that time? You will have understood that I would not hesitate for a second to buy their products.

You don't yet know this Quebec company specializing in lighting design? Let me introduce her to you.


The creation of the company

Jani Thibeault co-founded Tungsten Creative Lighting in 2016. Born into a family of entrepreneurs, she has been immersed in the manufacturing industry since a young age. It is through his energy, his audacity and his natural and unifying leadership that Jani was quickly approached to take up the torch of the family business established since 1972. After a few years at the head of the company and after having brought everything what she felt she could bring, Jani made the decision to sell. She therefore focused on a new project that she cherished, the creation of Tungsten Creative Lighting. Just by the sound of his voice, it is possible to feel all the energy and passion that inhabits him for this project which continues to evolve.


Tungsten, where does it come from?

Did you know that tungsten is a solid, high-quality metal that is used, among other things, to make the filament found in light bulbs? This material inspired the company name because its qualities were exactly the attributes that Jani wanted to highlight with the products. In addition, all products are named in honor of a scientist who received a Nobel Prize. What a great original idea!

What sets them apart

Tungsten Luminaires Créatifs stands out from the competition by its human side which puts the consumer in the foreground. The individual, designer or merchant who decides to do business with them will be entitled to personalized customer service. They make it their duty to listen to their customers. Imagine being able to have a model from an existing collection modified or simply choosing the made-to-measure option, that's what Tungsten offers you!


Today, the company collaborates with some of the most influential creators and craftsmen in North America to offer a range of innovative and quality lighting fixtures. Local materials such as maple wood and oak, as well as linear Saint-Clair marble are a great source of inspiration for the entrepreneur and her collaborators. More recently, it seems to be more the forms that inspire new creations. “ I am a person who likes to be guided by his intuition. Delicacy and refinement inspire me a lot right now.”


The heart of the company is the energy that the team deploys to offer a personalized and original product. We have not finished seeing this company, which has the wind in its sails, shine.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram and visit their new website to not miss any of their news and their new collections.

Nancy Ratelle

Updated in June 2022 by Ariane Lessard

Photo credits: Tungsten

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