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Druide : près de 40 ans à adoucir la peau

Druide: almost 40 years of softening the skin

My ecological conscience and my concern for the environment lead me to constantly check the origin of the products I consume. I like to know what is in the composition of my creams, soaps and co. T...

Les tendances Automne/Hiver 2018-2019

Fall/Winter 2018-2019 trends

The month of September is already drawing to a close and autumn is slowly carving out a place in our homes. Fall is without a doubt one of my favorite seasons, because it is the cocooning season pa...

Oser le Made in Québec dans une industrie « Made in China »

Dare to be Made in Quebec in a “Made in China” industry

The 1980s saw the birth of globalization, which expanded trade areas and led to the relocation of the production of consumer goods from industrialized countries to emerging countries (Roy and Munge...

BWAmak: Concevoir autrement

BWAmak: Design differently

I met Jessy Denis and discovered BWAmak during the very first Expo Fait au Québec at Dix30, in 2016. I was immediately impressed by the quality of the entrepreneur's work and the story behind each ...

L’alimentation de proximité : des marchés aux paniers

Local food: from markets to baskets

Local food is definitely my hobbyhorse, and the first bunch of asparagus in Quebec gives me a little breath of hope every year. What could be better than fresh produce grown close to home? Quebec g...


Laucolo, illustrating biodiversity

It was not planned. Laurence Deschamps-Léger, alias Laucolo, was neither a designer nor an artist. But she was interested in food and agriculture. Her experiences, her training and her career have ...