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Atelier C.U.B, quand la géométrie colorée s’invite dans l’atelier

Atelier CUB, when colored geometry invites itself into the studio

Atelier CUB is above all the marriage of leather and wood, of the leatherworker and the cabinetmaker, of geometry and uniqueness. I had the chance to enter the world of this designer furniture and...

Achat local : emblème de solidarité en temps de pandémie

Local purchase: emblem of solidarity in times of pandemic

Unless you have spent the past few weeks on a desert island (and if so, lucky you!), you know that we are living through an exceptional period in the history of humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic has ...

Allo Simonne, la tartinade du dimanche à tous les jours

Allo Simonne, the Sunday spread every day

Hello Simonne is an entrepreneur couple who work with hazelnuts by combining them with noble ingredients while minimizing their ecological footprint and maximizing their impact on the local economy...


Bring a touch of spring to your decor

Sunny days are finally approaching! Although mother nature sometimes plays tricks on us, we can finally say that it is indeed spring! If you think that summer will never arrive and you let the we...

Le plaisir de créer, avec Sofs

The pleasure of creating, with Sofs

Creating offers the possibility for Sophie Marcoux to do what she wants and to explore new avenues. Thanks to her company Sofs , she can give free rein to her imagination by offering unique and dif...

Les incontournables pour la gestion du stress 

Essentials for stress management

We all deal with stress on a daily basis. It can be physical or mental stress caused by fears, overwork, lack of sleep, change in temperature, etc. All these events disturb the balance of our organ...