Using the tools of Les Belles Combines , that went without saying. Because as parents, we don't want to complicate our lives. We go where family, parenthood, takes us. Sometimes in obligatory routines, sometimes in a big appreciated chaos.
At home, we have a “slow everything” lifestyle, especially me. Obviously, as nothing is certain, as no method is perfect, we encounter obstacles. At this point, we can change direction, continue to grope, or seek help. Les Belles Combines, in my humble opinion, allows us to do a bit of all of this at the same time.
The tools
The calm down kit
The cool-down kit is a bit like the Holy Grail. When your child begins to assert himself, and you don't know how to react: scream, cry... stay calm. When nothing seems to work. Because let's go back to basics, let's be realistic: a child in crisis is completely elsewhere. There's no real way to reason with him, despite our cries or our calm, he needs to calm down on his own. And our behavior, our reassuring presence, are there to help.
The return to calm kit proposes this principle: find a place, in the house, which can become this little cocoon of calm. A place that is not removed, like a bedroom, but also not in the middle of everything! I chose, having an open area, to place a small rocking chair behind the sofa, next to the dining table. It's set back from the living room, but at the same time, we remain in view. Then, in the kit, objects to help regain calm, such as an anti-stress ball, crumpling sheets, an hourglass, a notebook of emotions. In addition, Les Belles Combines also offer to add our own tools: a book, a stuffed animal, a cuddly toy, it's up to us!
Result? With a solution in hand, a procedure to follow, the situation is more easily manageable for parents. All the time? No, let's be honest, some crises are beyond our expectations! But the principle obliges the parent to remain calm and attentive to the child. Rather than putting him in the background and leaving him alone, faced with an emotion that he does not know how to manage, we place him in a place that gives him confidence and accompany him in this return to calm. Either by staying close, or by offering him tools to calm down.
The hourglass, for example, allows me to show my son how much time he's wasting having a fit, rather than having him explain to me what's wrong.
The emotion sheets, when I feel that he is starting to calm down, allow me to bring him back to a state of reason in which he explains instead of shouting.
Then sometimes, when I see that he is not able to get out of this state, I suggest that he leave the chair for a hug. Sometimes that's what calms him down, sometimes not!
The general store
Are you a positive discipline type or a discipline type? I am a bit of both. I try positive discipline, but quickly the same, it's not easy. The general store allows you to stay the course in the adventure of positive discipline. Because for every good gesture, there is a block. But for each bad gesture, no question of removing blocks! A little explanation, a return to calm, rather?
I wanted to try this tool to help me potty train my son. But also, to reinforce behaviors that I appreciate: helping his sister or comforting her, helping us pick up damage, simply helping us, calming down like a pro, etc. As little surprises, I simply put what I had on hand or I used the reward cards offered by Les Belles Combines.
Result? It's not perfect yet, but it's coming. It's about setting realistic expectations and I think putting all my hopes of potty training in that basket…maybe it was extreme. I also believe in talking to each other between parents and deciding what deserves a block and what just deserves congratulations, a matter of following each other. Along the same lines, consistency. Finally, it is also necessary to explain the principle to the child, otherwise he risks not understanding why he cannot have his surprise right away. All this we are still learning!
The final word
A clean design
First, I would like to point out an important fact in my opinion: the design of Les Belles Combines is magnificent. I love more childish “designs”, but in my kitchen, in my living room, I try to keep it clean. Their planner matches the look of my kitchen perfectly. Perfectly. Even better, you don't need to have kids to get it, given the look . Any childless couple, any single person can use it given its classic black and white style.
A positive atmosphere
Then, the positive atmosphere that slowly sets in is really a big bonus for everyone! Even we use the cool-down space to calm down sometimes! As a teacher, I really believe in the benefits of a positive and cognitive approach that allows the child to take responsibility rather than a behaviorist and punitive approach.
The moms behind Les Belles Combines are amazing! The idea is well thought out. Because it's not just the tools purchased that help us in our family routine, but also their social networks , their newsletter , and their blog , all filled with tips and downloadable tools!
You will have understood that I recommend their tools to you? In addition, you can even find them at the Signé Local boutique … I say that too!
Reviewed by Marie-Eve Patry
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