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LGJPE : s’amuser à comprendre l’entrepreneuriat local

LGJPE: having fun understanding local entrepreneurship

Next June 17 will be held the 4th edition of The Big Day for Small Entrepreneurs across Quebec. First born in Quebec City in 2014 with nearly 300 small entrepreneurs for a single day, the concept s...

Remercier les éducatrices et les

Thank the educators and teachers

The end of the year is approaching and it is often an opportunity to thank the teachers and educators who have marked the early years of our children. I decided to give them gifts this year. First,...

Manger local : le potager à peu de frais

Eat local: the vegetable garden at low cost

The heat finally arrives, the sun shows more and more the tip of its nose, although still shy. This is the moment when I watch my tulips open and my peonies rise quietly. For me, this precise mome...

À hauteur d'homme : la réalité virtuelle au service du design sur mesure

At human height: virtual reality at the service of custom design

At Signé Local, I'm not the only one interested in the company À Height d'homme and its founder! Sometime in April, Eveline had the chance to interview Louis-Philippe Pratte to discuss his vision o...

Les métiers d'art : Étudier pour créer

Crafts: Studying to create

Everywhere in Quebec, it is the period of admissions to CEGEP. Like every year, hundreds of thousands of students have to decide on a career choice. Some will head for pre-university training, othe...

Jardinage historique et patrimonial en milieu urbain

Historic and heritage gardening in an urban setting

As of this writing, there is still snow in Quebec. Anyway, in my backyard. But that's no reason not to think about the beautiful gardening days that await us in a few weeks. And, in order to prepa...