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Céramique : quand l’art traverse les siècles

Ceramics: when art crosses the centuries

Crafts are vectors of creation within Quebec society. They are at the heart of Quebec art, in constant evolution, making ancestral techniques topical subjects. It is through the institutions that e...

Fotofibre : des souvenirs qui accompagnent le quotidien

Fotofibre: memories that accompany everyday life

When you mix photography with textile printing, you get Fotofibre . This company is the idea of ​​Vanessa Isabelle-Roy who was tired of the cheesy memories found in the Old Port of Montreal. She w...

Fleep: un matelas adapté à tous les dormeurs

Fleep: a mattress suitable for all sleepers

It is with a mixture of curiosity and fascination that I connect to Skype to chat with Carl Provencher, partner and development director of Fleep mattresses inc. I discovered a passionate and creat...


Tungsten, Creative Lighting

When I was offered to write a post on Tungsten Creative Lightings , I couldn't help but think back to the acquisition of our last home. During the visit of this one we had a big blow of heart. We l...

Maxime Poisson, Ébéniste : des pièces modernes, une inspiration ancestrale

Maxime Poisson, Cabinetmaker: modern pieces, ancestral inspiration

When we are young, we spend a lot of time wondering about our future. This was also the case for Maxime Poisson, who at the time was not sure which profession to pursue. His choice finally stops o...

Baléco, certifié Bcorp

Baléco, Bcorp certified

There's no shortage of spring to officially begin! And who says spring, says cleaning! Easy link, I grant you, but at the same time, there is nothing better than a good spring cleaning to change th...